
Speedy Stepania: The Superhero of the Carpathians

Life in the picturesque villages nestled at the foothills of the Carpathians in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast can be challenging, especially for the elderly. But thanks to the incredible dedication of social workers like Stepania, things are getting a whole lot brighter. For over 20 years, Stepania has been the go-to person for residents in three neighboring villages, helping them tackle the daily hurdles of life—despite now facing a few of her own as age begins to slow her down. But don’t worry, she’s got a new trick up her sleeve! Thanks to a grant from Hungarian Interchurch Aid’s community-led response program funded by ACT Alliance, Stepania received an electric bicycle that’s made her job not just easier, but a whole lot more fun.

Over the years, Stepania has become much more than just a helper—she’s a true friend to the people she serves. “I take care of over 15 people who are on their own and need help every day,” she says with a smile, handing a package of medicine to 91-year-old Fedir. For some villagers, she’s the only lifeline left, making her presence a cherished part of their lives.

And what exactly does Stepania do? Just about everything! She buys and delivers groceries, picks up medicine, helps with paperwork, pays bills, and even cares for those who are bedridden. But her care goes beyond just the basics—Stepania’s known for pitching in with tasks that aren’t exactly in her job description, like helping to pickle cucumbers. “Some of my clients have weak hands, and I’ve seen them get stuck in the jar! Better safe than sorry,” she jokes.

For years, Stepania trekked up to 15 kilometers every day, hopping from house to house across several villages. She relied on her trusty old bicycle, especially during the summer. “That old bike has been a lifesaver! I’m convinced it’s the reason I’m still going strong at nearly 65,” she laughs.But as time went on, even a superwoman like Stepania started to feel the burn. 

“Lately, my body’s been slowing down, and I just couldn’t keep up the pace,” she admits. She even began to wonder if it was time to hang up her cape and retire. That’s when fate—and Hungarian Interchurch Aid—stepped in with the perfect gift: an electric bicycle! “This bike has given me a whole new lease on life!” Stepania says, beaming with gratitude. With her shiny new e-bike, she can zip up steep hills and carry heavy packages without breaking a sweat. She packs everything she needs into the bike’s basket, and the battery-powered motor handles the tough terrain with ease. Now, her work takes less time, leaving her with moments to enjoy her own life—and maybe even grab a coffee with a colleague while her bike recharges.

The electric bike has become the talk of the village! “This bike is a real sensation around here!” says Fedir. The sleek, modern machine caught everyone’s attention, but they quickly got used to seeing Stepania whizzing by at speeds of up to 30 km per hour. It’s a real game-changer, especially when a patient needs urgent help. “There was one time I managed to save a client! I got there in a flash, gave first aid, and called an ambulance just in time,” Stepania proudly shares.

For the elderly living in these remote villages, Hungarian Interchurch Aid’s support has been a lifeline. Thanks to their electric bicycles, social workers like Stepania can continue their vital work, ensuring that no one is forgotten. This boost in mobility has not only made daily chores a breeze but also supercharged the efficiency of their help. “Now, the challenge is to keep up with Stepania!” the villagers say with a laugh, waving as she zooms past on her latest adventure.

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