Situation Report – 1 December 2024
- HIA has reached 802,735 people so far, providing access to basic humanitarian aid, protection activities and other life-saving services in Ukraine and Hungary.
- During the reporting period, the assistance regarding MPCA, C4P and Flexible Small Grants has been re-launched.
- HIA in cooperation with the Embassy of Hungary in Kyiv organized an international conference on current humanitarian issues in Ukraine. The conference was attended by European Heads of Missions and international humanitarian organisations
- HIA is starting a project in Ukraine to address the urgent needs of ex-combatants and their families, focusing on MHPSS services, GBV prevention, and tailored training programs to support their reintegration into society and the labor market amidst the complex challenges caused by the ongoing war.
- To find out more, read the attached detailed Situation Report down below: